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Saturday, March 8, 2025 at 8:36 PM

Rural Reflections

Never Too Early to Start Thinking About Planting Trees in August

Never Too Early to Start Thinking About Planting Trees in August

Warm and snug in our homes, there are few activities so enjoyable as dreaming about spring. These plans vary depending upon the dreamer however many of us like seed books and tree catalogs. Last summer I spent a large portion of time killing off some of the buckthorn in our groves of trees. Those missing invasive trees provided a lot of windbreak and we now must replace the benefits they provided.

“Blessed are those who plant trees under whose shade they will never sit” is a phrase I have considered when planting trees that will remain only the diameter of my finger for the first five years. People we never knew planted the trees whose shade we enjoy today. We are now the unknown people who will do the same for others. Many long-lived and beautiful trees take time to grow and fulfill the task we wish for them. However, there is nothing wrong with a tree that grows to adulthood well within the life of a human. I actually prefer it.

The InnovaTree is a hybrid cross between the native Eastern cottonwood and European black poplar. The InnovaTree was cross-bred by the University of Minnesota over 25 years until a tree emerged which met the goals of the program. The InnovaTree grows up to 10 feet per year to a full height of 75 feet. It thrives in zones 3-6 which means it will grow in northwest Minnesota as we are a zone 3.

Hybrid poplars are not new to the area however most have been bred by industry for ease of processing into something humans can use. This means they grow fast and straight and sometimes have little consideration for beauty or longevity. The InnovaTree grows fast, has a forty foot diameter crown and is very attractive. It goes on sale this January at $20 for a three foot potted tree and should be available statewide however I have only found them advertised at Hauser’s Superior View Farm in Bayfield, Wisconsin.

I recently spoke with Morgan Torkelson from the West Polk Soil and Water Conservation District. Morgan is also an arborist and was pretty positive about the tree however we both thought the price, at $20 a potted tree, was a little high. He suggested twobud transplants. The two bud transplant takes a cutting with two intact buds from a potted tree then replants the cutting into the soil with one bud underground and the other above ground. The cost is divided greatly however the time needed to get to a usable tree is extended.

My own plans are to pay for the potted tree and just enjoy it, elevated cost or not. Just remember this is not magic, just good breeding. Trees are rarely a plant and forget proposition, they need ongoing care. People are often surprised that trees need watering, particularly when the tree is first planted and during dry conditions.

There is only one InnovaTree reseller now according to the U of M website. That site is Hauser’s Superior View Farm, in Bayfield, Wisconsin. You can call them at 715-779-5404; or visit superiorviewfarm.com. Pre-orders for the tree begin in January for August delivery.


Middle River Honker